Another Startup Europe Regatta has ended

Another Startup Europe Regatta has ended

The biggest Croatian startup conference - Startup Europe Regatta once again delighted! Last week, now traditionally, a conference was held in Split that brought together startups, investors, VC funds, numerous European accelerators and, above all, a strong local community.


Some of the representatives of key investment funds were among the lecturers, panelists, guests and other guests. At the Regatta, startups had the opportunity to meet Robert Bruckner from Trace capital, Kristijan Asani from the Slovenian VC fund Silicon Gardens, representatives of the EEN network and NOR Capital. In addition to them, representatives of other funds such as: Redhawk Capital Partners, Capital Markets Committee, Invento, Lead Venture, Soft Bank, Presto Ventures and many others participated in the Reggat.

The first day of the conference - Digital Dalmatia Day


A day in which startups have the opportunity to make so many contacts, potential investments and business partnerships, without ever leaving Split - is of inestimable value. We are glad that the co-organizers of the conference - Digital Dalmatia, decided to devote the whole day to the local and startup community and thus enrich, strengthen and connect their Dalmatia Startup Community.


Along with organizer Frano Šesnić, director of Zicer, this year Digital Dalmatia with leader Damir Brčić joined as a co-organizer, precisely by designing and implementing the first day of the conference - Digital Dalmatia Day, which it decided to dedicate to the local startup community.


Given that he is the founder of Digital Dalmacija SD County, the Prefect of the Split Dalmatian County, Blaženko Boban, made an opening speech and emphasized how recognizable their activities have been throughout Croatia, which is supported by the fact that at the conference, along with 20 Split startups, joined by another 30 startups from Zagreb as well as from other cities.

In total, there were 50+ startups on the waterfront, all of which had their own stand where they presented their products and services. The crowd was constantly present, both from investors looking for new business investments, and from curious fellow citizens.


After excellent lectures by Ana Šuper Matana and Stipe Režić, a well-done panel discussion, it was time for the startup competition. Almost 30 startups competed for prizes of €8,000. Everyone had equal opportunities - 60 seconds to present their startup.


Although the competition was strong, three startups from Split - DotYourSpot, Metabelly and Parklio won the main prizes, which is a clear sign of how big and serious our local startups really are and how much they stand out with their quality.


Dalmatia Startup Community has thus built a strong community that already shows the results of efforts, investments in their education, and the fruits of mergers with investors.


The second day of the conference - announcement of the winner of the startup competition


The panel discussions discussed topics such as Metaverse and Web 4.0, Green transition, Fintech, and all the way to different ways of investing in startups and attracting talent and new staff.


In addition to as many as 6 rich panel discussions, in the middle of the Riva, with a bunch of curious participants as well as random passers-by, the world-famous conference leader - Peter Hopwood, announced the winner of the startup competition, which was truly a peek of the day, a moment that everyone was waiting for!


Numerous networking events have proven that numerous partnerships and collaborations are concluded in a somewhat more relaxed environment. Two evenings at the Antique bar and one dinner at Villa Dalmacija were a place for conversation, acquaintance and exchange of ideas. Those who did not get to meet each other during the conference, did so in those evenings at gatherings, which certainly strengthened and we can say united the community, expanded and enriched it.

The third day of the conference - from land to sea


In order for the Regatta to live up to its name, on the third day of the conference all the guests went sailing, but not just any kind of sailing. Just as startups must be ready for all challenges in the business world, so the teams on sailboats have adapted to the conditions at sea, where teamwork and adaptability to new conditions play a major role. Yes, an environment very similar to that of the startup world - dynamic, bold and competitive.


There were 12 sailboats sailing around the Split water area, four of which were special sports ClubSwan sailboats that were ceded by ACI Split and thus turned this regatta into a real adventure.


ACI Management Board President Kristijan Pavić said before the regatta itself that he is satisfied that ACI is participating in all this in its own small way and that he hopes that everyone will enjoy good wind and good boats.


That's exactly how it was, a special experience on unique sailboats and absolute enjoyment!


It is clear that the Startup Europe Regatta combined the best assets that Croatia has on the world market, namely nautical and IT entrepreneurship, thus presenting Split as an oasis for both.